A Car in Northeast Philadelphia crashed into a school on Tuesday, December 30, 2014. Police are still investigating the subject incident but did release that a man was transported to the nearby Aria Health Torresdale location. Police indicated that the 36 year old was treated for his injuries and released.
For the full article regarding this Car Accident, see WPVI-TV at “Car crashes into Northeast Philadelphia school building.” Northeast Philadelphia school building”.
You can consult a Philadelphia car accident lawyer if you have been involved in car accidents causing injuries and damages. They can help you know the steps that will help you proceed with the car accident claim and pursue compensation.
Single vehicle accidents in Pennsylvania: Statistics and facts.
Within the State of Pennsylvania, there were 39,479 single vehicle car accidents that were reported in 2013. This includes all accidents in which a single vehicle strikes a fixed object. In 2013, 1,440 car crashes included a vehicle that struck a building. Of the accidents in which a vehicle struck a building, 22 of the crashes (1.8 percent) resulted in death.
Statistically, Philadelphia County accounted for 9.0% of the total car crashes that occurred in Pennsylvania. This statistic trailed on Allegheny County which had 9.6% of the total crashes.
While this statistic does not distinguish between single or multiple car accidents, nor does it distinguish between car accidents and any other region or neighborhood within Philadelphia, it does show that Philadelphia County along with Allegheny County accounts for nearly twenty percent of accidents that occur in Pennsylvania.
The 2013 Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics is an excellent resource to learn about facts related to car crashes in Pennsylvania. The 76-page report details crashes due to various factors including, but not limited to, types of crashes, weather conditions, location, dates, times, and many more. A direct link to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation website with the 2013 report can be found below.
This information was derived from the 2013 Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics which can be found at “2013 Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics”.
Contact a Lawyer at The Law Offices Of Samuel Fishman to set up a free case evaluation.