Safe drivers know that driving in specially marked lanes such as work zones, turn lanes, and carpool lanes when you are not permitted to be in said lane is improper. Despite the simplicity of this rule, every day drivers sneak into left turn lanes, shoulders, work zones, and other restricted lanes in an attempt to save themselves a few seconds. Unfortunately, this need to save time often results in tragic accidents.
A Philadelphia car accident lawyer will investigate your case closely to determine the liable parties and if you have been injured as the result of a driver driving in, entering into, or leaving a restricted lane.
Under Pennsylvania Law:
Lanes limited to specific use.–Official traffic-control devices may be erected to restrict the use of specified lanes to specified classes or types of traffic or vehicles, including multi occupant vehicles or car pools, and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of every such device.
This means that drivers who drive in a carpool lane without the appropriate number of passengers are breaking the law. Drivers who drive down the shoulder of the road without official permission are breaking the law. Drivers who use the left hand turn lane to improperly pass other vehicles are breaking the law. When drivers who are breaking the law cause an accident the court can deem them negligent per se. This means that the driver is negligent as a matter of law. This designation can give you a significant advantage whether trying to settle your case or presenting you case in front of a jury.
At the Law Offices of Samuel Fishman, we investigate you case so that we can take advantage of every aspect of your case, including negligence per se designations. If you have been injured as the result of a motor vehicle accident, it is necessary that you take the steps necessary to protect your right to be appropriately compensated for the injuries, pain, and suffering that you have endured. Under Pennsylvania law, if you fail to act within two years of your accident you can be forever barred from seeking financial recovery for your injuries. Furthermore, the preparation of a case for trial takes significant time. Therefore, it is important that you take action immediately.
At the Law Offices of Samuel Fishman we will use our experience to work for you. We stand ready to help protect your rights and help you obtain a sizable monetary settlement for your injuries, pain and suffering. Our services start with a FREE consultation during which we will show you how our experience will work for you. The insurance companies have their resources and attorneys working for them. You need experienced personal injury attorneys working for you.