How Can A Rear End Accident Lawyer Help You?
Good drivers always maintain a reasonably safe distance between their car and the motor vehicle directly in front of them. Unfortunately, in the era of smartphones and texting while driving, drivers often become unaware of their surroundings, resulting in rear-end collisions.
These accidents cause serious injuries, including herniations, broken bones, muscle tears, sprains, strains, and more. Often, these injuries are permanent – resulting in medical expenses, loss of wages, and pain and suffering.
If you or a loved one has been injured as the result of a car, truck, motorcycle, auto, bus, or other automobile accident, a Philadelphia car accident lawyer is at your service, ready to advocate for your rights and hold those at-fault liable.
What is the Pennsylvania Rule To Avoid Rear-End Collisions?
Under Pennsylvania law, a driver is prohibited from following another vehicle too closely.
General rule: The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, while having due regard for the speed of the vehicles, the traffic upon, and the condition of the highway.
This restriction applies not only to cars but also to any type of motor vehicle. This includes, but is not limited to, cars, buses, trucks, tractor-trailers, trolleys, motorcycles, ATVs, and any other vehicle driven on a road.
A driver must always be aware that he or she is not tailgating the vehicle in front and that he or she has sufficient space and time to brake if needed.
What Causes Most Rear-End Accidents?
Tailgating is considered to be one of the most common causes of rear-end accidents. This occurs when the driver does not maintain proper space between his vehicle and the vehicle directly in front of him. If you have to stop suddenly or turn your vehicle, an accident is likely to result, as there will be limited space due to the second driver following too closely.
However, there are various other causes as well that lead to rear-end accidents. Distracted driving, speeding, and other hazardous road conditions could all contribute to rear-end collisions. Therefore, it is important to be cautious and always maintain a safe distance between vehicles.
Injuries Sustained In A Rear-End Collision
Rear-end collisions differ based on severity. Mild rear-end collisions might result only in vehicle damage. You could get lucky and not suffer from any physical injuries in these cases. However, severe Rear-end accident injury could result due to a variety of circumstances. The more powerful the impact, the more severe the property damages and injuries. For example, vehicles traveling at highway speeds are more likely to cause severe impact than vehicles traveling at parking lot speeds. Some common injuries a person could sustain include:
- Whiplash Injuries: After a severe collision, the ligaments, muscles, and other structures in the neck are injured. The symptoms of the injuries could appear immediately or many days following the incident. The symptoms may also vary according to the severity and fluctuate over time.
- Back Injuries: Currently, modern vehicles are equipped with innovative seats, headrests, and other features that prevent neck injuries. However, during a rear-end collision, various factors, with the force of the impact affect one’s back and spinal cord in an accident. Retain a Rear-End Accident Lawyer who is experienced with the complexities of spinal cord injuries to handle your case adequately, to obtain the most compensation.
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Anxiety: PTSD and anxiety are two types of injuries that could result after a rear-end collision. When an individual is experiencing difficulty with breathing, such as shortness of breath or trembling, their heartbeat is increased and their body experiences a “fight or flight” response, also known as a panic attack. These symptoms are not uncommon after a rear-end collision and should be taken very seriously. Also known as emotional distress, the person should consult with a healthcare professional immediately to seek treatment.
- Musculoskeletal Injuries: Some of the musculoskeletal injuries caused by a rear-end collision are broken arms, hands, and wrists. Many individuals hold the steering wheel during a rear-end collision with another vehicle to brace for impact. Injuries sustained during these incidents could have a negative long-term impact on the lives of victims. If you have experienced a rear-end accident and sustained injuries, it would be wise to seek guidance from a seasoned Rear-End Accident Lawyer to learn of your rights and recourse against those responsible.
Factors That Determine How Much Space Must Be Maintained Between Vehicles
Factors that must be examined when determining the appropriate amount of space between cars include, but are not limited to:
- Size of Vehicle,
- Weight of Vehicle,
- Type of Vehicle,
- Weather Conditions,
- Road Type,
- Condition of Road,
- Speed of Vehicle, and
- Location of Vehicle.
If you or a loved one endured any collision, seek representation from an experienced and knowledgeable Rear-End Collision Lawyer. Your lawyer will conduct a complete investigation of your case that will ensure you receive the maximum compensation you are entitled to.
Steps To Take After A Rear-End Collision
Some important steps that an injured victim must take after facing a rear-end collision include:
- A person must immediately seek medical attention and must undergo a thorough check-up;
- An injured victim must take pictures of their injuries, property damages, and accident scene, to preserve evidence in their case;
- An injured person must exchange information with the other parties involved and remain calm at the scene;
- Gather as much information as you can of the other parties involved, including a phone number, name, address, driver’s license number, and insurance information;
- Cooperate with the responding officer at the scene. The police report could help prove liability and help you obtain a more-than average settlement for rear-end car accidents when you file a claim;
- You must assess how an injured victim is feeling following the incident. Even if you don’t feel symptoms immediately, it is common for painful symptoms to arise days or even weeks following a motor vehicle collision;
- If there were witnesses present, then you must gather their contact information and their statement of how they observed the rear-end accident;
- Try to write down everything you have experienced including details of the accident, such as time, location, weather conditions, as well as your physical symptoms and lost time from work, if any;
- You must know about how to make a rear-end accident settlement with the insurance companies, or hire a diligent attorney who will negotiate on your behalf.
How Does An Rear End Accident Attorney Guide You In Winning Compensation For Your Case?
It is wise to seek assistance from a lawyer that will help you in obtaining a more-than average settlement for a rear-end car accident by negotiating with the insurance adjuster. Insurance companies will often make every effort to minimize or delay your compensation. Among other things, you could get reimbursement for:
- Medical Bills;
- Lost wages;
- Property damage;
- Pain;
- Suffering;
- Mental Anguish; and
- Emotional Distress.
You must take note of every important detail of the accident scene. This will also help in determining liability and the true value of your compensation that includes economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages.
An attorney is well-versed in distinguishing important facts that could be relevant to your case. Consult with a rear-end attorney near you to learn of your rights and seek justice to right your wrongs.