Workers Compensation Attorneys Harrisburg

Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Attorney

When you face an accident at the workplace and get seriously injured, you may qualify for monetary benefits. Call (215) 464-4600, talk to a reputed Workers Compensation Attorneys Harrisburg to determine the amount of compensation you are entitled to.

The Law Offices of Samuel Fishman have handled many different workplace accidents in over two decades of professional journey experience. Making different effective legal strategies for workers’ compensation claims is our expertise.

The implications of work-related accidents are far-reaching beyond for the sufferer. The injured party often is often harmed in a secondary way by his employer or the insurance company. They will then try to take advantage of the situation and prevent the employee from getting fully compensated.

If you have a work-related injury, workers’ compensation is paid for complete expenses you bear due to the injury. Any financial loss and other costs during recovery can be included in the estimation of your compensation.

The higher your impairment is from the ailment or injury, the more you will be entitled to. Many people suffer from permanent damage, and in this case, the victim can pursue a claim for lump sum compensation.

Legal counsel can help the employee to avoid becoming a victim twice. Finding a Harrisburg Workers Compensation Attorney will keep the injured party from becoming a financial victim.

Workers Compensation Lawyer Pennsylvania

When you can file Workers’ compensation claim?

If you have faced injuries or have become sick while working for your employer, then you can potentially claim for workers’ compensation benefits. You may also receive compensation if you are found eligible given many factors. There are four basic categories to decide your eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits.

So, you may apply for these benefits if;

  • You are an employee.
  • You faced work-related illness or injury.
  • Your employer must have workers’ compensation insurance.
  • Apart from this, the applicant should also meet their respective state’s deadlines for filing the claim and reporting the loss/ injury.

There are a separate set of rules for different workers in every state. Farm and agricultural workers, domestic workers, seasonal workers, and many other workers have to follow a different set of rules as well for compensation eligibility.

To explore your rights about workers’ compensation, you must talk to an experienced Workers Compensation Lawyer in Harrisburg. He can evaluate your case and inform you whether you are eligible for benefits for not.

Let’s now talk about some rules applicable to a special set of people.

  1. Workers’ compensation must cover your employer-

There are a large number of employers who are required to have coverage under workers’ compensation. As previously mentioned, the workers’ compensation law varies from state to state. However, the responsibility of employers to provide coverage to their employees depends on many factors. Some factors are-

  • the number of employees working for them
  • type of business they are involved in
  • the type of work the employees are doing

It is mandatory for employers of some specific industries to provide workers’ compensation insurance. These are the industries where people are involved in risky tasks, chemicals, or other circumstances. In such cases, employees always receive benefits from employers, and hence, they cannot file a lawsuit as well.

Some employers buy workers’ compensation insurance even if it is not mandatory because they are involved in risky tasks.

  1. You must be a registered employee- 

Not all workers can claim for their workers’ compensation. People like freelancers, members of the ‘gig’ economy and independent consultants are not usually entitled to these benefits. But yes, people involved in ride-hailing services, drivers of Uber, Lyft, etc. may be eligible to receive benefits.

Reporting and filing deadlines also plays a crucial role in having a successful claim. Hence, it is always suggested to consult a legal professional as soon as you face injury during office hours. Sometimes, even if a worker is eligible for receiving benefits, they do not get the same protections.

To know your chance of receiving workers’ compensation, it would be beneficial to meet Workers Compensation Lawyer Harrisburg. The attorneys know about state laws and hence can explore all possibilities to get you fair and adequate compensation for your claim.

Loss of Work Can Cause Substantial Financial Burden

  • Injuries on the job leave the worker in too much physical pain, and land him/her is many other troubles. Along with this, the emotional and financial burden also placed on their immediate family becomes burdensome. Recompense for medical expenses is only the first step. An injury resulting in an inability to work creates a loss of income for the family.
  • Without compensation, financial strains become more severe. A workers’ compensation attorney with qualifications and experience can prevent an injury from creating financial ruin to a family.
  • The injured worker does not have to be alone in his fight to get compensation. Learning the laws surrounding workers’ compensation takes years of specialized studies and practices.
  • Injured workers should talk to a lawyer who has handled such experiences and knows the applicable Pennsylvania laws. Such assistance will ensure that the workers’ case will be evaluated from every angle to ensure that his rights are maintained.
  • Before choosing a lawyer, seekers should research his or her background. Look into the experience he has had with workers’ compensation cases. Licensing and education should also be considered when examining the background of a lawyer for potential representation.
  • The worker should discuss with the attorney upfront the costs of legal representation. Most of the lawyers work on a contingency basis and so you can stay out of financial burden of paying the attorney.
  • An injury does not have to be the end of a family’s finances. Justice for the injured party can be had in the form of compensation. Our attorneys can convince the employer to pay the injured party the amount of money he deserves. Employers must ensure that their employees stay safe while on the job.

If an injury occurs, the employer could be liable. The only way to be certain of getting the compensation deserved, a local workers compensation law should be consulted. Employers and insurance companies deny giving benefits even if the employees are eligible.

Talk to an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Harrisburg

An attorney is the right person who can inform you about valid workers’ compensation claims. The Law Offices of Samuel Fishman has experienced lawyers fulfilling the legal needs of workers’ compensation claimants.

Our legal team who do all the needful things to get the benefits you deserve for. An experienced Harrisburg Workers Compensation Attorney can help you overcome challenging situations by assisting in protecting your rights. Call (215) 464-4600 and book a free case evaluation.

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