Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Pittsburgh

Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Pittsburgh

An unfortunate reality of motorcycle accidents is that the bike riders who are involved in an accident are often seriously injured.

While people involved in car accidents are often able to walk away because of a car’s various safety features, and because it is essentially a big, protective metal shell, people in motorcycle accidents do not have the luxury of air bags, seatbelts, crumple zones, or other safety features.

Although a motorcycle rider can wear protective equipment, including a helmet, motorcycle accidents can result in serious trauma. The injuries caused by a motorcycle accident frequently take a person years to recover from.

If a motorcycle accident has resulted in injuries for you or a loved one, be sure to contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney who deals with Pittsburgh cases.

Our Pittsburgh Motorcycle Accident Lawyer will be happy to give you a free consultation so that you can receive more information about your legal obligations and rights.

Having an attorney who specializes in motorcycle cases and in cases that occur in Pittsburgh can be especially useful because your attorney will know all of the nuances of the local laws and understand exactly how to prove the extent of your pain and suffering.

Motorcycle Accident Victims in Pittsburgh

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer PittsburghOur attorneys have years of experience working with motorcycle accident victims in order to help them achieve the justice and compensation that they deserve.

When we consult with you, we will tell you exactly what evidence we need to help you collect in order to fight your case. Our legal staff and attorneys will pore over the details of your accident to determine who the at fault party is for your injuries.

We will also advise discuss with you the information that we will need and use in order to prove that your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence. Our attorneys will then seek full compensation for your pain and suffering.

Because our Pittsburgh Motorcycle Accident Attorney has extensive experience representing motorcycle accident victims, we understand how common it is for motorcycle riders to be seriously injured.

In a study performed by Dr. Hugh Hurt, it was found that 45 percent of all motorcycle riders involved in a motorcycle accident were left with injuries that could be categorized as serious or severe. Injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents can include brain damage, concussions, broken shoulders, broken pelvises, road rash, facial disfigurement, loss of limb and even death. Several of these injuries can take years to recover from.

They may also result in lengthy hospital stays and expensive medical bills. Not only might an accident victim’s lifestyle have to change, but they may also never be able to return to work.

“The potential for being seriously injured in a motorcycle accident is very high.”

Our attorneys will pay close, personal attention to your case to ensure that you get the justice you need and the compensation you deserve. We have experience obtaining expert witnesses, including doctors, to help analyze and assist with the presentation of your case. Our attorneys can also help to recover lost wages and other damages that may have affected your life.

Contact A Pittsburgh Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Contact The Law Offices of Samuel Fishman today to schedule an appointment for a free consultation with an experienced Pittsburgh motorcycle accident lawyer. Our helpful, compassionate, and friendly staff is standing by to give you more information about our services.

Our office always works for you on a contingency basis. This means that you only have to pay us when we win your case and collect monetary damages. Contact us and let us prove to you that we are committed to getting you everything you deserve so that you can get your life back on track.

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