A workplace injury can mean more than just time out of work; it can have huge repercussions for a workers family and career. Many workers feel completely defeated by their injury and the financial strain it creates. Workers compensation insurance exists to help workers through difficult periods of workplace injury, but it can be difficult to know where to begin the workers comp process.
What a Loss of Work Means for You
If you are injured on the job, you are exposed to the double financial burden of being unable to work while medical bills related to your injury stack up. This can create an overwhelming emotional strain on you and your family, and even prolong your recovery period. Many injured workers report periods of intense depression and a significant decrease in quality of life surrounding their injury, which only adds to the burden of being injured and unable to work. Some injured workers face foreclosure, bankruptcy, and financial devastation within mere weeks of their injury.
How to Get the Help You Need After an Injury
If you have been injured on the job, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Workers compensation benefits can range from weekly compensation to replace a loss of wages to reimbursement for medical expenses to compensation of past and future economic loss. Workers comp assists many families during a difficult time of injury.
Unfortunately, some employers and insurance companies do not act in good faith with injured workers, and may even actively work against compensating workers for their injuries on the job. Many injured workers in Pittsburgh retain the services of an experienced Pittsburgh workers’ compensation attorney to ensure they get the benefits they need to support themselves and their families through their recovery periods.
Contacting a Pittsburgh Workers’ Compensation Attorney
I must tell this to you and everyone that I can. I am so pleased with the way that the Law Offices of Samuel Fishman handled my Worker’s Compensation case. From the moment that I stepped into your office, you treated me with respect and made sure that you were always multiple steps ahead of the lawyer representing the employer’s insurance company. My employer and their insurance company attempted to disclaim my injury and refused to pay for my medical bills or lost wages, but you kept telling me that they were wrong and that truth and justice would prevail.
Your office successfully challenged each and every one of their theories and obtained payment for both my medical bills and lost salary. I don’t know what I would have done without you! You fought hard each and every step of the way to make sure that I received every penny that I deserved. Both you and your office staff deserve the great reputation that your office has. You can be sure that you have my highest recommendation to any friend, family, or colleague who gets hurt at work! Thank you again for everything that you did for me!
Client Testimonial
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Workers’ compensation laws can be extremely complex and often take a professional workers’ compensation attorney to interpret. (For an overview of the current PA workers’ compensation act, please see portal.state.pa.us) These laws can vary from state to state. A professional Pittsburgh workers’ compensation lawyer can act as your representative in these legal matters. They have full-time staff dedicated to assisting with complicated paperwork and research surrounding your case. It can be easy to feel lost in the workers comp process, but a seasoned professional workers comp lawyer deals with cases like yours every day. Unlike other parties that may be involved in your individual case, a professional workers’ compensation attorney, such as Samuel Fishman, only acts in the best legal interest of their client – you.
Choosing a Pittsburgh Workers’ Comp Lawyer
Workers’ compensation law is a specific legal area that demands a specially trained and experienced lawyer. Since workers’ compensation laws can be interpreted differently by specific judges, it’s necessary to ensure your lawyer has experience practicing in the courts in your area. Language-barriers can also pose problems; you may wish to ensure your lawyer speaks your native language or has someone on staff to assist with interpretation. At the law offices of Samuel Fishman, we have experienced staff who speak Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Turkish, Hindi, Urdu and Hebrew – don’t let language get in the way of winning your case.