Philadelphia Sports Injury Attorney

Help With Sports Injury Lawyer In Philadelphia

A sports injury is classified as a personal injury because it results from the intentional or negligent act of another person.  A sports injury can affect athletes not only physically, but can also impact their professional life, identity, emotional state, and reputation.

A sports injury can occur in any sport, and at any level including elementary and high school sports, collegiate sports, and professional sports. A sports injury lawyer in Philadelphia is typically called upon when the sport injury has resulted in significant damage or even death.

Sports injuries are on the rise throughout America, particularly among young adults who are involved with college and pro sports. The huge numbers of sport injuries each year feature high medical bills, lost wages, permanent disability, and on some occasions, death. If you or someone you know has suffered a sports injury, seeking legal counsel from a sports law attorney may be s the best way to get your life back on track.

Common Types of Sports Injuries in Philadelphia

There are many sports injuries that can be sustained on the playing field, but there are three particular sports injuries that are the most common and among the more serious as well. These sports injuries include head injuries, back injuries, and knee injuries.

  • Head injuries usually result in cerebral concussions, skull fractures, and brain injuries. Many such head injuries can also lead to brain damage, coma, or even death. These can result from a direct blow to the head as well as blows to the body that cause the head and neck to whip back and forth. Because sport concussions involve extensive and long-term medical treatment, sport injuries lawyers in philadelphia may encourage legal action for the injury.
  • Back injuries caused by sports are often the result of serious compression or shearing stress to the spine. Back injuries in sports can also result from a direct impact to the spine itself. Most sport back injuries occur when a person sustains a blow directly to the spine or back, such as when a sport’s player is struck in the back with a hockey stick, baseball bat, fist, or elbow. However, sport back injuries can also be caused by sudden and forceful movements that twist and stretch the sport’s vertebrae and cause them to slip out of alignment.
  • Knee injuries are one of the most common sport injuries sustained by players across all sports, but particularly in contact sports like football, ice hockey, cheerleading, and even wrestling. The three main sport knee injuries that occur on the playing field are ligament tears, port cartilage injuries, and meniscus injuries. 

Sport knee injuries typically occur as a result of a direct blow to the knee or a forceful twisting, bending, or hyperextension of the knee.

If you’ve been injured in a sport, contact an attorney who understands sports injuries and sports legal actions! An experienced Philadelphia Personal injury lawyer will help you determine whether sports-legal action is available.

How Do I Know if I Need a Sports Injury Attorney or Qualify for Compensation?

A sports injury lawyer will likely advise legal action if the sports injury occurred due to another player’s carelessness or negligence. Before contacting a sports injury lawyer, be sure that the sports injury you have sustained is a sports injury and not simply a sports accident.

Sports Injury Attorney in Philadelphia sports accident happens when a sports player slips and falls or if she is struck by an outside object such as a sports ball or a sports stick. These sports accidents typically do not warrant sports-legal action since they are considered sports “accidents” and not sports injuries.

In addition, many sports have their participants sign waivers for liability for such injuries which would preclude liability for the injury.   

When sport players are involved in sport accidents, they may file sport accident insurance claims to recover damages such as lost wages or medical bills. Contact your sport liability insurance carrier for immediate sport accident claim assistance, or contact a lawyer to help guide you through this process if you don’t have a case for injury litigation.

There must because to belief the injury cannot be classified as an accident resulting from negligence in order to have a foundation for legal action. If you have sustained a sports injury as the result of the negligence or wrongful conduct of another participant or sport official, contact our law firm for sports injury legal assistance.

How A Philadelphia Sports Injury Lawyer Can Help You

A lawyer can help you by offering legal advice for your specific situation. If you are considering taking legal action against the party that caused your injury, we can help. It is important to seek counsel right away if you or someone else has been injured because of someone else’s negligence. Our qualified attorneys provide personalized advice based on Philadelphia law and guidelines.

It is important that you give your lawyer as many specific details about the occurrence as you can to help ensure you have a solid case that cannot be dismissed as just an accident. For the best results, be honest about your injury, your medical costs, and the effects your injury has had on your daily life and career.

We will work with you, and together we will help you attain your reasonable compensation expectations. Contact our Philadelphia legal team for an appropriate resolution to your sports injury.

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